Coffee Shop Conroe

 Coffee shops are a dime-a-dozen in San Francisco.

Seriously, there are over 300 coffee shops throughout the City - that's about 6 per square mile!

Why are there so many? SF is a global leader in the  coffee shop Conroe   progressive, third-wave coffee movement - a movement that aims to produce high-quality coffee as an artisanal product, like craft beer or wine.

This is great news for us, as San Franciscans love their coffee. We narrowed down our list to the best, and then the best of the best to bring you this list of coffee shops you have to visit before you die.

Réveille Coffee/Cafe Réveille

Réveille Coffee began in 2010 when brothers Thomas and Christopher Newbury began selling coffee out of a repurposed delivery truck. Six years and four locations later, Réveille serving up some of San Francisco's tastiest coffee and espresso drinks. After moving into Mission Bay just six weeks ago, Cafe Réveille is already generating tons of buzz on Yelp and social media. With bright colors combined with modest, artsy decor, Cafe Réveille is a great spot to grab a coffee, breakfast/lunch, or spend a little bit of time telecommuting. (Note: Cafe Réveille is also open for dinner and drinks every night.) All beans are roasted in-house, and their mocha is one of the most popular items on the menu. Réveille Coffee has other locations in Jackson Square, The Castro, and North Beach.

Cafe Réveille (Mission Bay) - 610 Long Bridge Street, San Francisco, CA

Golden Bear Trading Company

Right down the street from UCSF's Parnassus Medical Center is Golden Bear Trading Company. This unassuming coffee shop sells breakfast food, spirits and coffee-snob-approved beverages. This small cafe is a must-go for coffee lovers in the City and was featured on Yelp's Top 100 Places to Eat. Sam, the passionate owner of Golden Bear, has been known to say that if you don't think his coffee is the best, he'll give you another cup for free. Challenge accepted, Sam!

Golden Bear Trading Company - 1401 6th Avenue, San Francisco, CA

Andytown Coffee Roasters

On quiet Lawton Street in the Outer Sunset lies Andytown Coffee Roasters, known for their Snowy Plover iced expresso drink. It's a concoction of iced espresso, sparkling water, and brown sugar syrup, topped off with delicious house-made whipped cream that gives Cool Whip a run for their money. This drink is just one of the reasons for the long lines that often file out the door. (That, and the fact that Andytown packs in a coffee shop, roastery, and bakery all within its 600 square-foot shop!) Don't skip on the Northern Irish soda bread and scones. Added bonus: it's just a few blocks from Ocean Beach.

Andytown Coffee Roasters - 3655 Lawton Street, San Francisco, CA

Graffeo Coffee Roasting Company

Founded in 1935, Graffeo Coffee Roasting Company is one of North America's oldest artisan coffee roasters. You'll find Graffeo just up the street from Washington Square Park in the heart of North Beach, San Francisco's famed Italian grotto. Graffeo isn't a cafe; it's a roaster. You can only buy their deliciously roasted beans or grounds. Worth it.

Graffeo Coffee Roasting Company - 735 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, CA

Papa November

Papa November is a coffee truck permanently at the corner of 15th Street and Kansas in San Francisco's Design District, across the street from the Design Center and Design Within Reach. While there's no seating, the coffee makes up for it. Serving Stumptown coffee, the truck rotates a selection of beans each week. They also sell homemade baked goods which change daily. What should you order at Papa November? The Claris - cold milk cream with espresso. Obviously, there's no seating at Papa November's coffee truck, so grab a cup to go on your way to the office or to get you ready for a day of furniture shopping.

Papa November - 215 15th Street, San Francisco, CA


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