
 Contact high schools, colleges, and other institutions for Work-based Training and Volunteering. Addressing the problems concerning mental and emotional health through soft skills of meditative reflection.

Step 2- With the active participation of our partners and   accessories  sponsors, we engage our target audience to fully maximize programming outcomes.

Step 3- Mentors for individual or group sessions to be chosen by attendees

Targeted age group:

14-17(schools), 18-21(colleges), under 30(workers), Countries: Canada and USA

UNESCO Body and Mind Wellness (UNESCO BMW) provides youth and young adults in Frederick County with opportunities for mental stress relief, work-based training, soft skills, community activism, and cultural enrichment. UNESCO BMW supports its projects with contributed funds from our board of directors, memberships, and private donations.

UNESCO Body and Mind Wellness Club (UNESCO BMW) incorporated and achieved nonprofit status in 2019 after operating for six years as an unincorporated volunteer effort. As a relatively new nonprofit, we have hired occasional contractors to supplement our board and volunteer efforts and have received significant in-kind support, frequently as much or more than our cash contributions.


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