Goods For Home
Hence, if you decide to incorporate an Amazon bestseller campaign into your book marketing strategy you need to think strategically and have a long-term vision of what you want to achieve. This will help prepare you for some of the opportunities that can come your way as a result of becoming a best-selling author. You will also be better placed to evaluate the opportunities that may come your way because certainly, you may not Goods for home want to run with all of them.
So 10 potential benefits of running an Amazon bestseller campaign are that you can:
1. Turn an unknown book into an overnight success.
2. Gain massive exposure among your peers, their followers, and other individuals. A well-run campaign will potentially expose you to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of individuals.
3. Gain expert status in your chosen and as such be recognized as the 'go-to' person in your field.
4. Receive offers of speaking engagements and be able to command higher fees for speaking.
5. Charge more for consulting or coaching services.
6. Fill your live events more easily.
7. Attract foreign publishers interested in publishing your book.
8. Substantially increase your own opt-in list.
9. Create other great joint venture partnerships and or strategic alliances with the people who helped you to coordinate the campaign.
10. Drive massive volumes of traffic to your website and or blog where you can sell other products and or services.
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