Bed Shop
Up until a couple of weeks ago, I had never thought about baby bedding, cribs, crib safety, baby feeding supplies, or any of the other countless items it takes to prepare for the arrival of our future NFL superstar. I was clueless as to the magnitude of the preparations involved in having a baby, and no I have not been in a coma for the last 26 years, I've heard expecting couples and new parents talking about newborns and going on and on about crib bed shop safety and thread counts of baby bedding spewing out so many facts and stats on the subject that it reminded me of one of those sports fanatics that every neighborhood bar has, who sits there all evening stating one stat after another while you think to yourself "this guy needs a life".
But here's the shocker: I caught myself yesterday engaging in one of these conversations with two other couples in an almost heated debate over whether California Kids or Kid's Line Bedding has a higher thread count. This is amazing enough, but even more remarkable is the fact that I had never met either couple before that surreal moment in aisle 11 at Toys 'R' Us where I stated material preferences and quoted safety alerts from the CPSC's website on baby bedding.
And yet it's only the beginning, I now realize I am only two steps from becoming one of those diaper bag-carrying, mini-van-driving parents whose lazy Sunday afternoons spent reading the Times or napping at will are but a distant memory while they shuffle through their endless "to do" list at one of many after school events.
Scary? Heck yea! But on the other hand, I can hardly wait!
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