164th Street
You can show these same businesses how they can quickly and easily get MUCH better benefit for MUCH less work.
Let me give you a good example. Lets say you want 164th street to help a local cosmetic surgeon get better rankings for the term "Bentonville cosmetic surgery".
You could download the free tool CamStudio to your computer, and create a quick slideshow using pictures from the surgeons practice.
Add in some text about what was done... the kinds of surgery he does... finish the slide show with the name, phone number, and address, then upload the video to YouTube.
Now, simply name the YouTube video "Bentonville cosmetic surgery"... then link to it from sites such as delicious.com, digg.com, and reddit.com
Perhaps create a quick article about plastic surgery and the kinds of things to look for, and link to the YouTube video in the article. Now, post the article to just 5 article sites.
More likely than not, for the phrase Bentonville cosmetic surgery, that YouTube article will show up as the second result within about 5 days.
The fact is that virtually no plastic surgeons in any city are utilizing YouTube at all. This alone represents a MASSIVE opportunity for you to go out and make some quick and easily money by doing a little "main street marketing"... helping small businesses to get better search rankings.
Now, the REAL key isn't just to create the video. The real key is to create the video with the name like I said, Then in the description make sure that the first words are "Bentonville cosmetic surgery" and THEN make sure that the ONLY tags that you use are "Bentonville cosmetic surgery"... and you WANT THE QUOTES when you give the tag.
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