Roseville Wedding Videographer

 It may also be true that if brides were surveyed again a year after the weddings, that percentage might be even higher. Like photographs, videos are something that should last forever and should show your special day to you whenever you want. Unlike other mementos such as flowers, wedding cakes, and even special champagne, they are something that can endure and   Roseville Wedding Videographer can help you relive your memories, similar to photographs.


Your video can provide a "living" memento of your special day, in that every single nuance is recaptured, except for perhaps the smells of the flowers or of your special perfume. Nonetheless, everything else is preserved, every visual image, every laugh, every note of your special song, played at the reception. It can also preserve memories to be shown later to people who weren't even born at the time of your wedding, such as your children. Now, how can you skimp on that?

The Wedding and Event Videographers Association (WEVA) is an international professional group founded in the 1980s. They ran a 2005 nationwide study to look at brides' attitudes about videography; one survey was done before the brides' weddings and one survey was done afterward. In both cases, the brides were asked to choose the importance of the videography among other wedding priorities. Before the weddings occurred, only about 50% of the brides thought videography was a "top 10" priority. However, after the weddings, that percentage jumped to 79%.


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